Job Limits [Public]

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Due to the many questions being asked ever since we enforced the job limit rules, we decided to make this page to contain all information related to jobs and substitutes. If you have any more questions, please send them our way so we can answer properly and perhaps consider adding to the FAQ part of the document. That way, others can also read it if they have similar questions. These rules are enforced starting 7 July 2023.


For people who have MoM/HM as their highest role:

  • Maximum 3 jobs in total across all sites.
  • Have jobs in a maximum of 3 sites.
  • No other management job.
  • Maximum 1 Teacher job.
  • Maximum 2 Student jobs.
  • No Teacher jobs on their main site.
  • Maximum 2 Artist jobs included in the 3 jobs limit.

For people who have Management as their highest role:

  • Maximum 3 jobs in total across all sites.
  • Have jobs in a maximum of 3 sites.
  • No other management job.
  • Maximum 1 Teacher job.
  • Maximum 2 Student jobs.
  • No Teacher jobs on the site they are management on
  • Maximum 2 Artist jobs aside from the 3 jobs limit.

For people who have Teacher/CE (non-management) as their highest role:

  • Maximum 4 jobs in total across all sites.
  • Have jobs in a maximum of 3 sites.
  • Maximum 2 other CE Non-Management jobs.
  • Maximum 2 other Teacher jobs, they cannot have more than one undergraduate teacher job on the same site.
  • Maximum 2 Student jobs.
  • Maximum 2 Artist jobs aside from the 4 jobs limit.

For people who only have Student jobs:

  • Maximum 4 jobs in total across all sites.
  • Have jobs in a maximum of 3 sites.
  • Maximum 2 Artist jobs aside from the 4 jobs limit.

For Artist Lead and Artists:

  • As per 20 November 2023, Artist jobs are limited to 2 jobs: either 1 lead + 1 student job, or 2 student jobs.
  • Artist job limits are different, except for MoM/HM, because of the difficulty of finding one.
  • Artist jobs aren't limited by the site limit. For example, you can be Management of Site A, Teacher and Student Staff on Site B, and also Artist on Site C and D.
  • Artist jobs are included in the job limits for MoM/HM but not for other roles.
  • Artist lead is now counted as a management role. If someone has an artist lead job but not other management job, their highest role is management.

For Graduate Teachers:

  • Whether the job is counted as 1 Teacher job or not depends on the site’s regulations.
  • If Graduate Teachers are hired from graduate staff members, you may not count their Graduate Teacher role as 1 Teacher job.
  • If Graduate Teachers are hired normally without requiring the users to be graduate staff members first, you must count it as 1 Teacher job.
  • If Graduate Teachers do work like normal Teachers, you should consider (but not a must) counting them as 1 Teacher job.

Please note that this limit applies to all sites, WoX and WoP included. This means, if you have 1 management job in a WoP site and you wish to have jobs in some WoX sites, you can only have maximum 1 Teacher Job and 1 Student Job. Also, with this rule being enforced, Phase 1 and Phase 2 rules are no longer applied.


Substitutes mean filling in jobs that are empty, but these jobs still need to be advertised until real applicants come. With this rule being implemented, we also let you have Substitutes to fill in some empty jobs until there are applicants coming to your sites. However, Substitutes also need to have rules, because we cannot use this as an excuse for people to hoard temporary jobs as well. Below we have the limits for substitutes as well as the rules that you must pay attention to.

For people who have MoM/HM as their highest role:

  • Can substitute as many positions on their main site as possible.
  • Cannot substitute in other sites.

For people who have Management as their highest role:

  • Can substitute a maximum 3 jobs in total on their main site.
  • Can substitute maximum 1 other Management job on their main site.
  • Can substitute maximum 1 Teacher job on their main site.
  • Can substitute Student jobs on their main site.
  • Can only substitute on their main site.
  • Cannot substitute if over-limit.

For people who have Teacher/CE (non-management) as their highest role:

  • Can substitute a maximum 3 jobs in total on their main site.
  • Can substitute a maximum of 3 other Teacher/CE jobs on their main site.
  • Can substitute Student jobs on their main site.
  • Can only substitute on their main site.
  • Cannot substitute if over-limit.

For people who only have Student jobs:

  • Cannot substitute, but try to persuade them to apply for graduate staff positions and see whether they have the capability (and quota) or not.


Currently, we don’t force anyone to step down immediately when the number of jobs they have is over the limit. However, if anyone with more than the limited number wishes to take a new role, they have to follow the limit rules and quit other jobs to get their job quota. For example, a user with 2 management jobs, 2 teacher jobs, and 2 student jobs wants to apply for a management job on another site. This means, they have to at least quit all their management jobs, one of their teacher jobs, and one of their student jobs.

As per mentioned above, users who currently exceed the job limits are also not allowed to substitute because this would create confusion between sites, especially those that have more than one management job. You will need to choose a main site to substitute in, and that would be unfair for the other sites that you have jobs in.

Staff Live Sites

When a site becomes staff live this is the time when the Job Limits take into effect. It is the new site's leaders' job to ensure their staff meets the requirements of the job rules. This is to help new sites and ensure they don't need to scramble to find new staff members right when they are set to launch or after they launch. As well as to ensure their launch can happen without being hindered, or delayed.

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